This picture looks like a horror story waiting to happen on Halloween.

I have been wanting to try pumpkin oats for a while now… what I attempted to make with it this morning was close to a pumpkin overnight oats…… I think. :/

The stuff smelled/tasted like straight baby food.  I tried to look paste this though, I really did.

I won’t even get into what went in….

What I ended up with looked like this, topped with a piece of crystalized ginger…

and some chocolate/trail mix/granola mixture.  This was one of the most filling yet unsatisfying b-fasts ever!  There has to be a better way to prepare this, and help is greatly appreciated!

I fared much better with lunch, maybe b/c I didn’t make it….. I am going to look past this. 🙂

Maple Curry Quinoa with dried fruit, mangoes, and cilantro.  It was love in my tummy.

Paired with a Peach Waldorff salad with a honey mustard dressing.  The peaches were amazingly fresh ❤

QUESTION: Have you ever used pumpkin in any type of breakfast dish before??  Do you have any tips and/or suggestions for making it the wonderful meal I know deep down it can be?


  1. I can see how pumpkin oats would taste like baby food to some, but I LOVE it! I always reduce the amount of liquid I use when I add pumpkin, and I stir it in at the end of cooking. Usually I use about 1/3 a cup. Maybe it’s an acquired taste?

    That maple curry quinoa looks fantastic – you should post a recipe! Would it taste good with couscous? I’m cheap and probably won’t buy quinoa lol.

    • I am determined to make an enjoyable bowl of pumpkin oats, it will happen soon! I think It would taste better warm rather then cold and with the proper spices [I only had cinnamon on hand and was sans ginger and cloves, do you use these?]

      I love couscous. Especially Israeli couscous. I am sure that it would taste amazing as a sub-in. I will post a recipe for it soon! ..maybe using couscous 🙂

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