A Nutter Butter Ball Filled Day ~

For B-fast this morning I went with my own attempt at the ‘breakfast cookie’

I used a muesli and apple sauce base.

added vanilla extract and cinnamon

along with dried cranberries, flax, dried coconut, and a bit of chocolate hazelnut butter.  I left it in the freezer overnight, it was alright – definitely needs some further tweaking 😉  I ended up grabbing one of my almond butter coconut balls as well, they were AMAZING after sitting in the freezer all night.  Oh.  My.  Goodness.

Lunch:  Trader Joe’s all the way.

I was very surprised at how fresh the veggies were in this.  The spinach looked as if I just steamed it on my own stove.  I had to do a double take.

Please don’t judge me.  But for dinner was a another AB coconut Ball.  [<3]

And then some of TJ’s organic dark chocolate truffle.  What I will do in 2 weeks when I no longer have access to this store is beyond me.

This bar was beautiful.  Silky.  Smooth.  Par-tay in your mouth good.


This was snitched , I mean chopped..

Then sprinkled a top warm popcorn with dried cranberries and spices.  I like savory spices on my popcorn with sweet add ins…Am I alone in this?

A fellow blog The Couch Potato Athlete is doing a giveaway!  Click here to find out how to enter!

[free stuff=good-ness]

QUESTION:    What is your favorite popcorn recipe? And have you ever just eaten dessert for dinner?

I am a popcorn-addict.  I will eat it in almost any form.  It is a whole grain, right….and I obviously enjoy chocolate and peanut butter as my evening meal from time to time. 😉


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